4 Apartment Hunting Considerations for Pet Parents 

4 Apartment Hunting Considerations for Pet Parents 

Owning a pet, especially a dog or a cat, is becoming commonplace in the US. Between 1996 and 2024, the dog population in the US has gone from 52.9 million to 89.7 million. Meanwhile, the cat population has stayed relatively stable. 

Be it independent households or rental apartments, folks want to live alongside their four-legged fur companions. That only becomes an issue when you’re unable to find an apartment that welcomes your pet. Even among pet-friendly rentals, not all will allow your pet to stay. 

In this article, we will discuss four important considerations for pet parents hunting for an apartment rental. See if any of these are holding you back from finding what you need. 

Pet Size 

The first factor that may get in the way of finding a pet-friendly apartment is any animal size limitations. This stands true for dogs and cats alike. For instance, breeds like the Great Dane or St. Bernard require a larger surface area to live comfortably. 

The same goes for those in the cat family, like Ragdolls and Maine Coons. Not all apartment rentals have the required space to accommodate these larger breeds. Landlords are often worried about property damage and the possibility of discomfort for other residents. 

On the other hand, the pet may also find it challenging to adjust to a confined environment. So, start by going through the lease agreement from top to bottom. Let the landlord know that you have a larger breed pet, particularly if there are multiple such pets involved. 

Those who are just planning to get a pet before moving in can consider investing in a smaller breed. However, those who already have large pets need to review apartment policies and look for larger square footage. Typically, single-family homes may be a good option because they offer greater flexibility in terms of pet size. 

Breed Restrictions 

Besides the size, a second problem that many pet parents face has to do with the animal’s breed. You must be aware that not all dogs and cats are created equal. Some are more aggressive and susceptible to unpredictable outbursts when compared to others. 

This tends to raise safety concerns for other residents in close quarters. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with the size of the pet, although size may be a factor. The Doberman Pinscher is not only large but also quite prone to becoming aggressive and even stubborn (when not trained properly). 

Then there are other breeds where size is not the main problem, but aggressiveness still is. Take the Chow Chow as an example. The Dogster shares vet-verified information on some of the most dangerous dog breeds in 2025. They include Akita, Boerboel, and even Chihuahua. 

Even among cats, some breeds like the Himalayan and Siamese can be unpredictable. It’s possible that these may not be allowed inside many apartment rentals. This is also something that the lease agreement will clarify. 

In some cases, the landlords may allow a particular breed once the pet parent shows documentation for proper training. If your pet still doesn’t have a certificate like a Good Canine Certificate, consider getting one. 

Amenities and Services 

The third important consideration is the kinds of amenities and services available within the apartment complex and its surrounding area. Let’s give a few examples, starting with the basics. 

The truth is that the more amenities, the costlier the rent might be. However, there are some basics that pet parents cannot do without. Perhaps the most vital of the amenities have to do with cleanliness and hygiene. 

Also, thankfully, cities are trying their best to make housing more affordable for those with pets. The Washington DC’s Pets in Housing Act of 2024 is a good example of this. This Act aims at capping rent of pet-friendly apartments at $25 per month. 

Even so, you should be able to expect basics in hygiene like pet waste stations. Back in the day, the city did have a reputation for being the ‘Dog Poop Capitol.’ Property managers must make provisions for dog poop removal in DC apartments or the results can be disastrous. 

According to Scoop Soldiers, neglected dog poop creates a biohazard zone where notorious bacteria like Salmonella and E.Coli may be present. Simply removing the main pile of waste is not enough. The area needs to be thoroughly sanitized and deodorized to make it non-hazardous. 

This is especially true of the parks often designated for dogs in pet-friendly apartment complexes. Ask the landlord if such provisions are available. Other amenities that your pet will appreciate include – 

  • Pet washing station 
  • A designated park or play area 
  • Pet walking services 
  • A pool designated for pets 
  • Periodic pet-centered events 
  • Daycare services 

Some of these services you cannot do without, while the rest are optional. Decide which ones are high on your list of priorities. 

Noise Levels 

The final consideration pet parents need to make is the level of noise that their pet is capable of. Some pets are indeed noisier than others. 

For example, dogs generally tend to emit a louder sound than cats. Again, certain dog breeds are louder when compared to their counterparts. 

The Country Living Magazine shares that the Dachshund, Beagle, and Husky are among the most vocal breeds out there. They not only bark really loud but also love to do so frequently. 

It’s important to check the lease agreement for any clause related to the pet’s noise levels. Landlords do not want other residents disturbed due to excessive noise from a pet. 

If you do find an apartment where your pet is allowed provided they do not disturb others, take measures to soundproof. Install heavy-duty curtains, carpets, and rugs. Place furniture strategically to dampen sound reverberation. 

Most importantly, keep your pet mentally stimulated and address triggers that may lead to too much noise and excessive barking

Where are you in your search for a pet-friendly apartment? If you’re feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, check whether you have considered the factors we just discussed. 

Ensure you start on the right note. Make a list of your concerns and get them out of the way first. Use specialized online platforms to contact landlords and be upfront about your pet. 

Even a realtor familiar with the local market can help you out. It may take some time and striving but you will soon find the ideal haven to live comfortably with your pet. 

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